Friday, August 29, 2008

Wasilla, Alaska - Pop. 6715

How in the world did McCain come up with his Veep pick. The rumor on the tubes is that he picked a woman to try to get more Clinton supporters on board. As a Clinton person I am insulted. One just because women voted for Clinton and it was kind of a woman thing does not mean you can just throw out a woman and we'll follow. We are not birds on a crumb trail. This is not A Field of Dreams the Presidential version -pick her and we will come isn't how it works. Do you think we are so shallow that we say yippee she has boobs lets not even look to see who she is and what she has done.

I am not sure what is going on over in the McCain camp but to me this seems kind of like the Paris and Brit ad - a half you know what attemp that over simplified things rather than really looking at what is going on.

Don't insult femminists!!! I wonder if this will do more to unify the party than the work of the DNCC.

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